The Biblical Garden opened to the public in June 1996. It developed from an idea of Donald McBean, then Senior Horticultural Officer with Moray District Council. Planning started in the early 1990’s to create a beautiful garden, welcoming to all, where well known Bible stories could be brought to life with statues, and plants mentioned in the Bible would be grown. An important part of the plan was for the involvement of ‘The Four C’s’ i.e. Community, Church, Commerce and Council, leading to a ‘people’s garden’. The garden was made possible due to generous donations received from local businesses, Churches, schools, organisations and individuals and there was much community involvement e.g. local schools made the mosaics which can be seen on the wall by the entrance, a very successful fair was held in Elgin Town Hall to raise funds. The success of the garden over the years relies on a good working partnership among the Friends of the Biblical Garden, Moray Council and Moray College UHI. The Garden is used by the Horticulture students to develop their skills.